Crisis Communications

A crisis is a “moment of truth” for brands where how a company communicates in and on a crisis will be scrutinized just as much as how a company came to be responsible for the crisis in the first place. By preparing for eventualities, companies will protect their brands when a crisis occurs.

Among the services we offer are:

  • Production of crisis communications manuals
  • Audits of existing crisis communications manuals
  • Design of crisis communications templates (notification letters, press releases)
  • Crisis focused media training
  • Crisis communications exercises (walkthrough exercise, desktop exercise, full-blown simulation, drill)

How can we help you?

Contact us to get your PR strategy

Austin office

801 Barton Springs Rd 9th floor
Austin, TX 78704

Houston office

1300 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Suite 100
Houston, TX 77042